Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Social Networking: How many is too many?

I admit it! I'm an addict! I'm addicted to Social Networking sites... My question to whoever in the blogosphere reads this--how many social networking sites are too many?

I actually started blogging in 2004 as a way to communicate with my family since I live in Finland and they live in the USA. My father had recently passed on and he was the telephone king who kept us all up on each others' lives. When he passed away, we had to come up with other ways to communicate. I then started getting readers whom I didn't know and we started commenting on other each others' posts and I saw how fun it could be. So, my entrance into this type of communication was for personal reasons and I was pretty slow and cautious--it is the internet after all.

In 2006 I started my own company and as a result started using the internet even more... In 2007, a friend invited me to join facebook and I quickly found friends from years past--WOW! People who I thought I would never see or hear from again are still cropping up through this site. With Facebook, I try to be very careful as to who is allowed to see my site (a friend list if you will) and pretty much there are no strangers amongst my friends and I only post about work at times, but this site is more for reconnecting and keeping up with friends and family.

Anyway, in 2008, I got some training on teaching in a virtual classroom and then slowly I started joining all these different websites. Now, I'm starting to wonder--how many can I handle? The following are badges of the many sites (mostly ning sites) that I belong to because of language training or professional reasons. I'm thinking it is a bit too many and I need a support group...


Visit Corporate Learning Trends and Innovation

Visit Virtual Worlds and Language Learning

Visit Virtual Round Table

Visit Corporate Learning Trends and Innovation

Visit Webheads in Action

Visit AVALON-project

Visit ESL United - ESL Jobs, ESL lesson plans, ESL teacher community!

Visit LearningTown!


Visit RezEd

Visit The Innovative Christian

And of course I also belong to linked in and Xing...

So, how much is too much?

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